
28 jan. 2025

van Bergen Kolpa 建筑事务所祝您蛇年新春愉快!

21 jan. 2025


10 dec. 2024


3 dec. 2024

北京垂直农场 荣获Achello2024“年度实验室建筑”评委选择奖。

25 nov. 2024

北京垂直农场项目刊载于Domus第1095期, 尤特邀编辑Norman Foster选择收录。

3 sep. 2024

Agrotopia 被提名为 2024荷兰钢结构建筑-工业建筑类别候选项目。 您可以在关注荷兰钢结构建筑日获悉最终获奖信息。

19 aug. 2024

北京垂直农场项目刊载于 THE PLAN: OUTDOOR 杂志。

8 jul. 2024

北京垂直农场是我们在中国的首个城市园艺项目,现已入围 2024 年世界建筑节奖“已建成建筑 - 生产、能源和物流”类别。

我们将在 2024 年 11 月 6 日至 11 月 8 日的世界建筑节期间在新加坡向国际评审团现场展示北京垂直农场项目。

阅读更多关于北京垂直农场的项目信息 >


1 apr. 2024


8 feb. 2024

van Bergen Kolpa 建筑事务所祝您龙年新春愉快!

18 jan. 2024

回顾2023, 展望2024!欢迎阅读我们的新年简讯,了解项目的最新动态。

3 dec. 2023

青年视觉 Vision 杂志第193期刊载 "Agrotopia屋顶温室” 项目。

1 dec. 2023

Skyscraper City Rotterdam To the next level (摩天楼之城鹿特丹:更上层楼)刊载了Maasbode高层住宅项目。

12 okt. 2023

Van Bergen Kolpa事务所将在维也纳Architekturzentrum和维也纳市组织的“Common Household”国际研讨会上发表关于城市食品的演讲并参与讨论。

11 okt. 2023

Agrotopia入围 Archello Awards 2023 年度学院建筑候选名单

14 aug. 2023

Van Bergen Kolpa事务所在Leyten房地产开发商的委托下为鹿特丹设计一座包含46套公寓与一个绿色中庭的可持续住宅。这座新住宅位于鹿特丹未来的高线公园Hofbogenpark与Insulindestraat之间。

19 jul. 2023

Maasbode完成地基浇筑。 经过拆除、开挖、打板桩和钻孔桩等各项准备措施后,地下室下层基础终于在今日完成了水下混凝土浇筑。地下室和预制上部结构即将开始安装,预计 2026 年完工。

13 jul. 2023

欢迎收听 van Bergen Kolpa 事务所在Architectenweb网站高层建筑播客系列参与的播客节目 Maasbode高层家庭住宅

1 jul. 2023

Emiel Arends的书籍 City without fear of heights(不惧高的城市) 收录Maasbode高层住宅项目。

12 jun. 2023

van Bergen Kolpa事务所参与Provada和GreenTech 2023展会

van Bergen Kolpa事务所将于6月13-15日在阿姆斯特丹RAI会展中心参加荷兰房地产展会Provada和国际园艺展会GreenTech。

欢迎前来参观我们的“循环经济与城市食品生产的新建筑”展板与荣获世界建筑奖的屋顶温室 Agrotopia。以及我们最近交付的中国衡水垂直农场和北京国家农业科技创新园园艺体验中心的最新照片。


@ Provada Stand 11-11 Vastgoedmarkt
@ GreenTech stand 05:476VF Vertical Farm stage.

在此免费预约GreenTech展会参观 here>

Agrotopia with Meta for Inagro and Reo veiling. Photo Fillip Dujardin

Vertical Farm Hengshui and Beijing with Ammerlaan Construction for AgriGarden.

14 mei 2023

van Bergen Kolpa事务所的公园超市(Park Supermarket)项目在荷兰the New Institute设计中心展出。
在the New Institute的展览“水城鹿特丹”中,公园超市(Park Supermarket)项目被作为在气候变化背景下建设水面城市和景观的案例。此项目现已被荷兰国家建筑与规划档案馆收藏。

30 mrt. 2023

Van Bergen Kolpa在“Building Office Buildings”专家组的交流会上带领参会人员参观了Agrotopia屋顶温室并作了关于“食物建筑”的演讲。

16 mrt. 2023

Agrotopia屋顶温室项目获得 2022年比利时钢结构建筑奖

屋顶温室Agrotopia项目获得了2022年比利时钢结构建筑奖的工业建筑类奖项。根据建筑师Stéphane Beel所代表的评审团的意见,Agrotopia是一个 "建筑和农业之间的终极融合"。


Agrotopia是与比利时Meta建筑事务所合作实现的,甲方代表是Inagro和REO auction。钢结构部分与Smiemans公司和Tractebel工程合作设计,并由承包商Persyn和Deforche施工实现。

8 feb. 2023

Van Bergen Kolpa 在英国皇家建筑师协会主办的“Food for Thought”活动中就食品建筑发表演讲。Carolyn Steel与 Studio Egret West 的 David West 主持此次座谈。

30 jan. 2023

AC建筑创作2023年3月刊 ”建筑中的玻璃“ 特辑收录Agrotopia项目。

22 jan. 2023

van Bergen Kolpa 建筑事务所祝您新春愉快!

18 jan. 2023

2023新年伊始,我们借此机会与您分享我们在过去的一年中开展的项目,这些项目预计将在今年开始建设。在此处阅读关于我们六个正在施工中的项目的简讯 >

7 dec. 2022

7 December 2022 During the 15th edition of World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Lisbon Rooftop Greenhouse Agrotopia won the WAF Award in the category Completed Buildings for Production energy & recycling after competing against 8 other impressive finalists from a total of 252 entries from all over the globe.  Agrotopia was also highly commended for Best use of Natural light Prize, shortlisted for the for the Futureglass prize and ended runner up for World Building of the Year 2022.

“We are absolutely honoured to receive this award. It is a recognition of our design for Europe’s largest Rooftop greenhouse. The innovative building is an example for future food production in the city, intensive use of space and circular energy and water use with sustainable greenhouse horticulture.” Jago van Bergen | director at van Bergen Kolpa Architects

Since its opening in 2021 Agrotopia was also shortlisted for the Dezeen Awards 2022, the ARC22 awards, published worldwide in numerous leading architecture magazines, online architecture platforms and the Flemish Architecture yearbook 2022. Agrotopia was made in collaboration with Meta Architectuurbureau and commissioned by Inagro and REO veiling. The design team consisted of Wageningen University & Research business unit Greenhouse Horticulture, Tractebel Engineering and Smiemans Greenhouse projects.

14 okt. 2022

van Bergen Kolpa事务所制作的植物城市模型在”het Ministerie van Maak“所策划的2022年鹿特丹国际建筑双年展开幕展上展出。






Project: Research, design and exhibition model. Client: International Architecture Biënnale Rotterdam 2022, Ministry of Make Curators: Saskia van Stein, Zus and MANN. Programme: 400ha climate-proof landscape for 10,000 homes, food and energy supply. Location: North Brabant. Planning: Research and design 2022. Publications: article on architectenweb "Wat valt er te leren van Ministerie van Maak?"

27 sep. 2022

De Architect 杂志2022年九月刊 Heavenly living 特辑收录Maasbode高层住宅项目。

20 sep. 2022


5 sep. 2022

Agrotopia has also been shortlisted for the 2022 Best Use of Natural Light Prize and the The Futureglass Prize. Special prizes from the World Architecture Festival 2022.

31 aug. 2022

Agrotopia published in the Argentinian PLOT Magazine.

22 aug. 2022

Agrotopia selected for the ARC22 Awards

8 aug. 2022

Agrotopia selected for the Dezeen Awards 2022

1 aug. 2022

Agrotopia published in the Korean C3 Magazine #421 in the article ‘How Urban Agriculture can transform cities’.

11 jul. 2022

Boas notícias! Rooftop Greenhouse Agrotopia is shortlisted for the World Architecture Festival Awards 2022 in Lisbon.

Finalists Van Bergen Kolpa Architects + Meta Architectuurbureau will present Agrotopia live for an international jury in Lisbon during the World Architecture festival from 30 November - 2 December 2022.

3 jul. 2022

Agrotopia published in the German ARCH+ Magazine #248 in article ‘Produktive Landshaften’.

18 jun. 2022

Van Bergen Kolpa and Meta interviewed by Park Semi about Agrotopia in Korean magazine SPACE #655.

16 jun. 2022

Agrotopia gepubliceerd in Infosteel #69.

14 jun. 2022

Van Bergen Kolpa will be at the Provada 2022 in Amsterdam with the Wybertjes project.

1 mei 2022

Agrotopia published in Korean design magazine DESIGN #527.

1 apr. 2022

Agrotopia gepubliceerd in het Spaanse Architecture Viva #243 in het artikel 'Templo de Ceres'.

8 mrt. 2022

Van Bergen Kolpa 正在为瓦赫宁根大学设计一座 9300平方米的用于研究和接待的新温室建筑。项目位于荷兰园艺产业的中心Bleiswijk市。

21 sep. 2021

Official opening of Dakserre Agrotopia by His Majesty the King Philip of Belgium during the Festival of the Future.

1 sep. 2021

Agrotopia, the largest rooftop greenhouse in Europe, will be officially opened to the public during the festival of the Future from September 25 to Sunday October 3.

7 jul. 2021

Van Bergen Kolpa designs 125 circulair houses for the >Hortus-Floriade te Almere > commissioned by Amvest Dura.

1 apr. 2021

Family Scraper de Maasbode nominated the Job Dura Prijs 2020.

The Job Dura Prize 2020 had the theme 'Living: at home in Rotterdam'. Projects that provide innovative or exemplary solutions for the housing challenge of the city of Rotterdam have been sought and thus respond in several ways to improving the quality of life of its residents, both now and in the future.

Family Scraper De Maasbode was nominated. The jury is impressed by the in-depth research that preceded the development of this new housing concept and sees this initiative as a serious response to keep families in the city. It shows the guts of the developer to opt for innovation and quality in such a clear way, partly through the oversized outdoor spaces that are being realized in the project and the addition of spacious family homes. The design of the Maasbode is also very convincing and of the highest order in terms of spatial layout and materialization.

29 okt. 2020

Start sale of houses Familyscraper de Maasbode by BPD and contractor van Wijnen.

9 okt. 2020

van Bergen Kolpa and Wageningen UR investigate on behalf of AG Vespa the feasibility of redevelopment of SAMGA Grain silos in Antwerp Belgium up to 10,000m2 Vertical farm.

7 nov. 2019

Van Bergen Kolpa supports and co-finances the international Sky High Vertical Farming research consortium.

Van Bergen Kolpa supports and co-finances the Sky High Vertical Farming research with NWO, Unilever, Philips, Bayer, Priva and GrowX. The four-year and 5 million euro multidisciplinary research into Vertical Farming in urban buildings is in collaboration with Wageningen UR and TU Delft.

12 apr. 2019

Van Bergen Kolpa事务所受AgriGarden中环易达委托在北京国家农业科技创新园设计一座3.500平方米的垂直农场作为主入口建筑。

13 mrt. 2019

Van Bergen Kolpa and Meta participate in the closed design competition Manufakture on the Abattoir site in Brussels Belgium.

29 jan. 2019

Van Bergen Kolpa 事务所受 AgriGarden中环易达 委托在衡水设计一座 12.000平方米的 垂直农场

2 jan. 2017

Van Bergen Kolpa wins architectural selection for design and execution of 106 forest homes in the project DUIN Almere commissioned by AMVEST.

4 apr. 2016
3 jan. 2016

Team van Bergen Kolpa with Meta, Tractebel, WUR and Smiemans wins the 10.000m2 Rooftop Greenhouse Inagro in the competition Pilootprojecten Productief Landschap of the Flemmish state architect.

1 jan. 2016

van Bergen Kolpa wins architectural selection for design and execution of 86 dune dwellings for plan DUIN Almere commisioned by AMVEST.

1 dec. 2014

The Japan Architect and Urbanism A+U # 531 publishes interview with van Bergen Kolpa on 'Architecture for Food' including Park Supermarket, Co-Housing Hoogvliet and Klimaat bestendige stad 2050.

23 mrt. 2014

Van Bergen Kolpa part of the Dutch Trade Delegation at the Netherlands-China Trade and Economic Forum in Noordwijk. The Forum, chaired by the Chinese President Xi and King Willem Alexander, focused on Dutch knowledge of sustainable agriculture and urbanization.

15 jul. 2013

Van Bergen Kolpa with Wageningen UR and Loos van Vliet Landscape take part in the invited competition for the Agricultural Demonstration Center commissioned by Cofco Eco Valley, Beijing China.

1 jul. 2013

Opening exhibition #STADVANDETOEKOMST in the Museon The Hague with the Climate Game by van Bergen Kolpa Architects

1 apr. 2013

Dutch magazine de Architect publishes Bangkok Adaptive City 2045 in article 'What the Netherlands can learn from Thailand'.

1 jun. 2012

Co-Housing shortlisted for the  Hedy d'Ancona Award for exellent health architecture 2012.

1 jan. 2012

Co-Housing Hoogvliet published in the new years issue of the magazine de Architect 2012 with beautifull pictures of Jeroen Musch.

3 nov. 2011

Van Bergen Kolpa shortlisted twice for the  World Architecture Festival Awards 2011 among BIG and Robert A.M. Stern.

van Bergen Kolpa presents in Barcelona during the World Architecture Festival 2011 the projects Co-Housing Hoogvliet and Park Supermarket.

The annual World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Barcelona is the biggest architecture event in the world with contributors from 58 countries. After the first selection round by an international jury with Michael Sorkin, Ben van Berkel en Peter Cook the projects Co-Housing Hoogvliet and Park Supermarket were short listed for the World Architecture Festival Award 2011.

Project: Exhibition en presentation
Location: Centre Convencions Internacional Barcelona
Exhibition: November 2nd till November 4th 2011
Presentation: November 3rd 2011

29 okt. 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Park Supermarket on!

8 jun. 2011

Opening of the exhibition 'Glimpses 2040' with work of van Bergen Kolpa in the Center for Architecture AIA New York City and Arcam in Amsterdam.

GLIMPSES 2040 Amsterdam Homemade

Amsterdam Homemade is a spatial development model for a landscape supermarket. due to urbanization, the dutch polders, once the icon of our food production landscapes, have over the past centuries come to lie like parks in the Amsterdam metropolis. Amsterdam Homemade shows the potential of these green wedges for recreation and food production for the metropolis that today knows 170 different nationalities, food and culinary traditions.

NEW YORK, New York, May 20, 2011 The Center for Architecture and ARCAM are thrilled to announce the exhibition programs for Glimpses of New York and Amsterdam in 2040. The exhibition challenges ten architecture, landscape architecture and design firms to imagine an urban future that includes new waterside cityscapes, neighborhoods, and transit systems. The exhibition will open in New York at the Center for Architecture, 536 LaGuardia Place, on June 8, and remain on view until September 10. The show will also be installed in Amsterdam, on view at the Amsterdam Center for Architecture (ARCAM) June 17 until August 13.

Project: Research, vision development and exhibition
Redactie en samenstelling: Maarten Kloos
Curator: Luc Vrolijks en Marlies Buurman
Horticulture advice: PRIVA Jan Westra
Landscape and ecology advice: Wageningen UR Vincent Kuypers

11 feb. 2011

Opening Architecture Biennale of Soa Paulo Brazil where van Bergen Kolpa takes part on the Dutch exhibition entry 'Architecture of consequence' curated by Ole Bouman and Saskia van Stein with the projects Park Supermarkt en Nabuurschappen.

Van Bergen Kolpa Architecten mede vertegenwoordigt Nederland op de 8e Architectuur Biënnale van Sao Paulo met twee projecten; Park Supermarkt en de net opgeleverde Nabuurschappen in Hoogvliet.

Bij de tentoonstelling genaamd 'Architecture of Consequence', gecureerd door het Nederlands Architectuur Instituut (NAi), is een gelijknamig boek verschenen. In het boek Architectuur als Noodzaak - Nederlandse ontwerpen voor de toekomst komt het werk van 25 Nederlandse ontwerpbureaus aan bod, die allemaal vanuit een maatschappelijke urgentie werken. Aan de hand van de conclusies uit de manifestatie Maak ons Land is de hedendaagse ontwerppraktijk onder de loep genomen.

Het resultaat is een agenda voor ruimtelijke innovatie waarmee de ruimtelijke ordening en architectuur de komende jaren vooruit kunnen. Het sluit aan bij het wereldwijd groeiende besef dat het beantwoorden van fundamentele kwesties van onze tijd een zaak van iedereen is. De thema's zijn universeel; ze beroeren en motiveren de hele internationale architectuurgemeenschap. Daarmee is dit boek tevens een oproep tot het ontwerpen van een betere wereld.

De internationale reizende tentoonstelling 'Architecture of Consequence' toont een wisselende selectie van dezelfde ontwerpbureaus als in het gelijknamige boek, afgestemd op de locatie waar de tentoonstelling te zien zal zijn. De getoonde ontwerpen zijn ontstaan vanuit de ambitie om bij te dragen aan een duurzame toekomst. Door ze op verschillende schaalniveaus te tonen wordt de thematiek verder uitgediept. 

Met bijdragen van: 2012Architecten, Atelier Kempe Thill, biq stadsontwerp, Must urbanism, OMA, Powerhouse Company, Rietveld Landscape, STEALTH.unlimited, Van Bergen Kolpa Architecten, ZUS.

Project: Boek en reizende Tentoonstelling
Redactie en samenstelling: Ole Bouman
Curator: Saskia van Stein
Film Park Supermarkt: ism Catalogtree
Fotograaf Nabuurschappen: Jeroen Musch
Exhibits: Sao Paulo 2009, Moskou 2009, Rotterdam 2010, Nijmegen 2010, Mumbai 2011, San Francisco 2011

1 jan. 2011

Publication of Park Supermarkt in the book 'Kost, nieuwe gezichten op eten' by Brigitte van Mechelen and Diana Krabbendam published by BIS Publishers.

1 nov. 2010

Park Supermarkt published in Dutch magazine Stedenbouw + Ruimtelijke ordening (S+RO) #5 met als thema voedsel.

1 aug. 2010

Park Supermarkt published in the Korean design magazine FRAME #75.

1 aug. 2010

Park Supermarkt is published in a special theme issue of de Architect on City and Nature.

18 jul. 2009

Together with 24 international firms, van Bergen Kolpa presents their design for the Olympic Quarter in Almere. The apartment building within the urban plan of MVRDV commissioned by Stadgenoot.

1 jun. 2006

van Bergen Kolpa Architects commissioned to design the new housing facilities for a young and eldery community in the Co-housing project Hoogvliet.

1 apr. 2004

Japanese magazine Architecture and Urbanism (A+U) #403 publishes project Greenhouse and Land.